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Gallery of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society

AFMS Photo & Video Competition 2024

The AFMS is running again in 2024 a Video and Photo Competition for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This competition aims to attract promising new students to fluid mechanics and demonstrate to the general public the beauty, diversity and vital contemporary applications of fluid mechanics using visual media

This competition is open to all students, with 3 awards (AU$500, AU$300 and AU$200 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd, respectively) for each category (photo and video). Judging criteria will include appeal to the general public, artistic merit, educational value, scientific novelty and promotion of fluid mechanics. Entries will be showcased on the AFMS website and the AFMS social media channels, promoting the students' work and at the AFMC2024 in Canberra this year.

The competition details and entry submission form are included in the flyer below.

Please circulate to interested students and encourage them to submit.

Download the Flyer

Winners of the AFMS Video Competition 2022

Winners of the AFMS Photo Competition 2022

Winners of the AFMS Video Competition 2020

Winners of the AFMS Photo Competition 2020

Winners of the AFMS Video Competition 2018

Winners of the AFMS Photo Competition 2018

Winners of the AFMS Video Competition 2016
